New Soundtracks coming this winter
I am currently working on 3 new soundtracks that will be released this coming month:
"Avoiding The Unexpected (The Box)" is a one-minute short that is going to be submitted to the "Thumb-Stopping Moments Competition". It features an original short atmospheric, ambient track by me.
"DEDSEC: Left Behind" is a five-minute short film that is being entered into the "Watch_Dogs Film Fest". An extended version of the films score will be released shortly after the film is finished.
"Love Is Blind" is a dark comedy currently in pre-production that will enter the filming stage in the next few weeks. It will be a spirital succesor to the award winning short film "Gravedigging For Dummies" and is going to get an original soundtrack composed by me.
And don't forget about "Marionette" which will be available on the 2nd of December. An exclusive preview track will be released in the next few days on this site, Bandcamp and Soundcloud.

"INFINITY" - New original album in the works
"INFINITY" will be an experimental album that is set to be released this summer.
INFINITY will take you on an unforgettable journey through the vast emptyness of space and features a mixture of orchestral and electronic tracks to create a very unique listening experience.
INFINITY will be available for purchase on Bandcamp and this site.
A free preview is now available to download.
New Soundtrack coming soon
"Marionette" will be a psychological thriller about a young journalist who gets the unique chance to interview a notorious serial killer.
The film, which will be shot in the next few days, will be released this winter and will feature an original soundtrack composed by me.
Currently only a few very rough demo versions of the score exist, but expect a small preview in the near future!

UoCSFA 2016
I am happy to announce that two films i worked on have won several awards at the "University of Culmbria Student Films Awards 2016". Both "Gravedigging For Dummies" and "A Twin Seldom Comes Alone" emerged as winners from the awards cermenony.