Building a collection of moods and feelings
'An Example of Human Emotion' was an experimental video installation conceived in late 2016 and was built around the idea of creating a unique audiovisual experience revolving around the idea of displaying different emotional states through a random combination of visuals, music and narration.
Roughly 90 minutes of music were created for the installation and were later released as a stand-alone album.
A diverse soundscape
The main goal for the music was to be diverse: a collection of different styles, moods and instruments to create a vast landscape of emotions.
Most of the tracks were created from scratch for the installation, a few however were taken from the album 'INFINITY' and a scrapped album called 'Timeless'.
Most of the tracks featured on the album are experimental in their nature with a strong focus on ambient soundscapes with a few melody focused tracks, several improvisational pieces in between and even an about 10 minutes of total silence (cut down to just one for the album release). With this mix of different styles, genres and instruments the accompanying visuals (a constant 7-minute loop) were constantly enhanced with a different mood, changing the perception of the presented story for every viewer.

An experimental playground
The different aspects of 'An Example Of Human Emotion' were always meant to be working apart from each other: the visuals can still be explored without a music track, inviting the viewer to put their own music of choice on top of them. And the music as well works as a stand alone album exploring different moods and themes through music alone.
What was originally only meant to be around 40 minutes of music quickly turned into around double that amount as the work progressed.
The work progress for the music turned into a sort of experimental playground where I would just sit down and start playing whatever came into my mind, trying out new instruments and experimenting with my audio software.
The final album is also almost presented in a chronological order, with the tracks I worked on last also coming last on the album. It was choice made to let the listener be a part of the process and development of the album, starting the journey where I started it and ending it where I ended it.
To replicate part of the experience the initial installation offered, head over to the Filmography subpage for 'An Example Of Human Emotion'.